Page name: The Accidents RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-26 22:03:25
Last author: Artsy
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
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The Accidents Rp

Accidents happen every day. Accidents big and small. But what happens when an accident takes on universal proportions? Things tend to get a little strange.
  A group of friends. All with one thing in common though they don't know it. Their lives, normal for the moment are about to take a drastic turn.
  They are about to find out that a single accident can drive normal life into memories.


New announcement:

WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH! Another new announcement. OK, so business first. The inactive players, have been eradicated. I used the power of the delete button in conjunction with my index finger mouse clicking power and killed them. *EYE GOUGE GESTURE* Ok, so not really, but they're gone. So new members are needed, which is where I need you guys to help. I've already done a few things, but to no avail.
Secondly, I just wanted to say that you guys are seriously the best RP crew I've had in any one of my wikis. I truly couldn't ask for a better crew. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ^_^

The Rules of Accident- Yes, there are rules. There are always rules.

The accidents- The member page for the accidents of this wiki.

The others- This is the member page for the others, those who are trying to stop the accidents.

Power of the Gods- The list of who got what gods abilities and powers.

TAR Character pics- if you have a pic of your character it goes here.

The Accident's Chapters

The City High-Where the story starts.
Base of Operations, Accidents- Estidny has the first of his group together and takes them to the hideout. What is this man's deal?
Base of Operations, Accidents2- Estidny's group tours the hideout.
Getting Settled- Estidny's group is shown the real reason for the hideout and Estidny begins to tell them what they are.
Unforseen Disaster - Estidny has died. His killer Elson is holding Tank's parents, but a new girl, Hannah got the drop on him. How will the Accidents deal with his death?
The Aftermath- The group is shocked by Estidny's sudden death, Tank and her parents are safe, and the group has found out who their enemy is. What will they do now?
Romance Among the Ruin??- Friends are being made and the truth is becoming apparent. Can they deal with the gravity of the situation?
Retaliation- Gansters and guns.
meliorate merger- The Accidents are in chaos, but it's not the god's fault this time. How will they handle two of their members being hurt?
Helping Heroes- In which the gang comes together (finally and fully) and new friends are made. Will they be kept and will the Others be doomed as a result? Or will the Others prevail over the broken up heroes?
Anatomically Correct-
A Deadly Dance- Elson shows up at the headquarters and a fight ensues with Elson getting the upper hand and ending up at Hannah's house.
BOYFRIEND?!? WHERE??- Once at Hannah's house she reveals that Eva isn't there, and Hannah's parents show up.
Let the Games Begin- Hanah goes through with Elson's deal even though she said she wouldn't. Once loose, Eva attacks Hannah and knocks her unconcious. She also calls Elson and tells him. Shortly thereafter Elson and Tank show up and Tank let's Elson in so he can save Hannah. Chance also encounters another chosen and convinces him to meet everyone else.
A Warm Welcome- The new Accident, Lysander, gives Hannah a time but doesn't seem convinced. Selena, Chance and Tank are all getting upset and handle it in very different ways. What happens when actions oppose each other?
Riddled with riddles- Things start to settle down when Chance and Tank recieve a phone call.
We've got a problem-current page

The Other's Chapters

The Other's Hideout- The Others slowly gather and begin their attacks on the Accidents.
A Man Named Schao- A man named Schao turns up. Ren and Spark know him it seems, as for the others...
What? Practice?- Schao goes missing and Ren is hurt. Elson's starting to question the game.
Fighting is for Friends too - Tank shows up at the other's hideout and speak to Elson. His doubt is becoming more apparent, and he finds out what his true god power is.
To save an enemy- Elson saves Hannah, then returns home only to be confronted by Eva becuase he knocked her out. After that Elson's training begins in earnest, but is interupted by his concern for innocents. Ren begins to doubt Elson's commitment to her team and talks to Spark about it.
The hero- A couple of new comers appear while Ren begins to 'trust' Elson a little more. Perhaps a bit too much more. Is all going according to plan?
Drinks on the House- current page

Somewhere in the cosmos....- A short prestory.

TAR Index

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2005-12-03 [BlackDragon]: The banner is finished, I hope that you don't mind that I put it up here (I also hope that you like it..) ^_^

2005-12-03 [Artsy]: nice banner! *thumbs up*

2005-12-03 [BlackDragon]: Thanks! ^^

2005-12-03 [Tekkon KinKreet]: nope thanks for putting it up in here too! I like it :)

2005-12-04 [Na no da!]: This looks like its gonna be a good rp, can i join?

2005-12-04 [Artsy]: yup, just put a profile in either the Accidents area (good guys) or in the Other space (bad guys) and send a message to [Tekkon KinKreet] if you need help understanding anything

2005-12-05 [icedragon2021]: got room for a friend

2005-12-05 [icedragon2021]: I will join either side, put me where you need me

2005-12-05 [Tekkon KinKreet]: bad gyes. i'm going to need a lot of them. and most people want to be good guys

2005-12-05 [Na no da!]: i'll be a bad guy too if ya want

2005-12-05 [Artsy]: oh yes!!! company!!!

2005-12-06 [Tekkon KinKreet]: fine with me. imma need about six bad guys and about five good guys

2005-12-06 [Artsy]: nite_owl's gonna join as a bad guy

2005-12-06 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok

2005-12-06 [Na no da!]: It says that i needa power, i have nooo idea what i could use :S

2005-12-06 [Artsy]: ask Kel to help you with that, i had to

2005-12-14 [icedragon2021]: tell me how to get started and I will join

2005-12-14 [Tekkon KinKreet]: pick a side and go to the member pages and fill out the forms

2005-12-30 [Nuktae-tal]: mind if I join in? I already made a charact..hope you don't mind...

2005-12-31 [Tekkon KinKreet]: Nope, I don't mind at all. Just play normally and have fun!!

2005-12-31 [Nuktae-tal]: sweet then thanks

2005-12-31 [Tekkon KinKreet]: yup

2006-01-13 [Prater]: ya haven't started yet have yas?

2006-01-13 [Nuktae-tal]: go to the city high

2006-01-13 [Tekkon KinKreet]: yup we have, but we jumped Nuktae(devlin) in, so i'm sure we can jump you in sooner or later, you know what your doin... :)

2006-01-13 [Prater]: sweet!

2006-09-10 [Artsy]: i am chance! *salutes*

2006-09-11 [~Acidelf3~]: oh sure u talk to them but you cant even say like you love me bck when i tell u i love you.. *sigh*

2006-09-11 [Tekkon KinKreet]: its a friggin announcement... it's to anyone that sees it and it pertains strictly to this wiki...

2006-09-12 [~Acidelf3~]: im just givin u a hard time chance.. lol

2006-09-12 [Tekkon KinKreet]: oh *feels stupid*

2006-09-13 [~Acidelf3~]: lol dont feel stupid.. ur just chance i expect that.. lol i love you.. but yes we are reading ur anoucements too and .. maybe i dont like u being a bad guy too.. lol but it fits u

2006-09-13 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ha lol.. have you read the charrie I created? He is tha shizzle!

2006-09-13 [~Acidelf3~]: lol not yet i have been working and like today i dont feel good so i got out of school early and umm yeah i should be layin down but that dont work.. lol so i got on here.. now that i have time i will give me a second and ill post what i think about him

2006-09-20 [Nuit Darksin]: Sweet I wanna join

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: no problem go ahead just decide if u want to be an other or an accident.. *others r the bad ones accidents the good*

2006-09-20 [Nuit Darksin]: I wanna be an other

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: okay fill out an discription and send whatever it says to to chance *kel thelos* and ur all set no problem then ren like shes one of the first others she will hep you out just kinda post in teh others roomt aht ur somewhere but not the others hideout.. so yeah.. ur gunna do fine

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: yes! thank you morphine ^^

2006-09-20 [Nuit Darksin]: yeah I know. I'm in alot of rps where I'm the good guy it's time to be bad

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol well im a good bad guy.. so to say.. i cause dramam in my group.. lolz

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol I never could play a very good bad guy... everyone told me I was to evil and needed to lessen up the load now I only play the hero's

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: psh, nuk? remember keen from [Blakkduv]'s rp? now HE was vicious

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. too evil.. how the hell does that happen.. thats funny

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol yeah that was pretty evil! one liked all my evil plots...said they were to well thought out. no annihalation sort of thing... basically I'm the perfect evil character so I had to resign and only go on using my hero character.

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: if i'm evil, i go for just.. attacking the best way possible, not planning out ways they could escape, but i do try to stop the obvious ones, and i won't accept elaborate ones...

2006-09-20 [Nuit Darksin]: acid your kinda like liberal :D

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol wich is what most people are like... but I guess I'm the perfect evil I had to resign and now I don't do bad guys anymore.

2006-09-20 [Nuit Darksin]: Well in all my rps I'm the big paladin or the happy go lucky but will kick some ass when need be halfling ranger :D

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